The number of Moscow residents using public transport increased to 68% of the population in 2017, from 62% in 2010. The growth drivers include improved convenience, speed, and availability. Most buses, trolleybuses, and trams are low-floor and wheelchair-accessible, while climate control makes travelling on public transport comfortable in any weather.

Public transport stops have become more comfortable. Moscow currently has 802 new model stops (including 497 stops installed in 2017), with wayfinding pylons, maps, and digital arrival information panels. The stops are equipped with CCTV cameras, free Wi-Fi, and USB ports for portable device charging.
For details, see section
Current and Future Mega Projects: New Convenient Surface Transport

A unique busking scheme to entertain passengers and promote music performers.
With the Moscow Metro app, passengers can build intermodal routes, top up their Troyka cards, and contact the metro authorities.
Velvet Track (a continuous welded track) is a technology for laying rails and welding seams between them, providing higher train speeds and a more pleasant journey.
— The metro is an extremely sophisticated integrated technological system that requires regular inspection of all its tracks, tunnels, rolling stock, and equipment. Sinergiya diagnostic trains are used to check tracks in the daytime without disrupting the train schedule. Tracks are replaced at night. Track replacement is indispensable, as passenger safety depends on it.
Interestingly, voltage is cut from the rails for only 2.5 hours. This period of time is sufficient for operators to replace rails, sleepers, and joints, clear stations, and return equipment to a depot.
— The construction of new metro lines has reached unprecedented rates in Moscow. Launched in 2016, the Moscow Central Circle has taken a 15% load off the Circle line. The Big Circle line is under construction (to take a 15%—30% load off radial lines) as well as the new surface metro for Moscow, and the Moscow Region — Moscow Central Diameters (5%—10% off the metro’s current load).
Moscow’s metro is becoming increasingly efficient. Peak hour period was extended in 2016, with trains arriving at 90-second intervals. The Moscow Metro is the only metro in the world that maintains such short arrival intervals throughout peak hours. Since 2017, we have been purchasing higher capacity (+ 15%) next-generation trains with enlarged (+ 15 cm) doorways for convenient entry and exit of passengers.
— No. Since 2010, the average fare has been growing by less than 4% a year — twice as slow as inflation (8% per year on average)In nominal terms.. Moscow Transport is one of the most affordable transport systems among the world’s largest cities. With our flexible ticketing and fare options, passengers can choose an optimal option to save on travel costs.
— A Passenger Mobility Centre has been operating in Moscow since 2013. Its staff help passengers with impaired hearing, vision, and mobility, as well as elderly people, parents with small children, and large families to travel by metro. Help is provided throughout the journey, including outside the metro, free of charge.
Via the Moscow Metro mobile app
At website

Moscow Taxi cars need to meet the Moscow quality standard
The following must be available in the cabin:
- Terms of payment (rates)
- Information about the taxi operating company
- The driver’s name card with a photo
— All Moscow taxis are yellow, including yellowlicence plates and checkerboard signs. Since 1 July 2018, 100% taxi cars licensed to operate in Moscow are yellow in colour.
— Choose legal taxi services. A taxi’s licence plate number can be checked in the Register posted in the Services section on the Moscow Mayor’s website (see Public Transport/Taxi) at Some taxi companies also have driver rating systems, photo and video surveillance cameras, driver fatigue monitoring, and remote vehicle diagnostics.
— If you have questions, complaints, or proposals, please contact the Moscow Transport contact centre or service centres. Some taxi and ride-sourcing services also use their own driver scorings and ratings.
Contact details of Moscow Transport service centres, see here.